

CBDuck is the name of SHO’s farm-processed hemp product line .

CBDuck, named in honor of our duck sanctuary flock—is grown regeneratively, with proceeds going to conserve wildlife habitat, provide learning opportunities for regenerative farmers, support our farm sanctuary, and provide a safe release site for wildlife rehabbers.

All sale proceeds will allow us to steward our 1300 acres in perpetuity for the benefit of our animal kin and the future of a food system that engages a deep and durable relationship to the land and all her inhabitants.

What makes our products different?

We use the whole plant including both male and female plants, and including raw and heated, with the highest standards of processing. All products are lab verified.

We use no slaughterhouse inputs to fertilize our plants or potting mix.

We plant outdoors within a permaculture system that favors pollinator plants, natural ground covers, and aromatic plants.

We also don’t till the soil, a practice which disrupts vital fungal networks that sequester carbon and feed plant roots.

A 15 KW solar array powers our barn in the summer months.

We strive for integrity through and through, including the quality of the products you receive and the service that comes with it. We make our products as affordable as possible, while covering our costs and labor.

We make compost from the bedding that comes from our duck sanctuary, which is organic and comes from hay grown and harvested after ground-nesting birds have fledged.

We are women-owned and operated.

Know that you’re supporting a revolution in agriculture by purchasing from us.

We actively work with veterinarians to research proper dosages for different birds and animals, particularly those in rescue and sanctuary care.

CBDuck products are sold through a separate shopping cart from SHO Farm’s other products since not all payment processors allow the sale of legal hemp products.
